RPG Roller

RPG Roller
RPG Roller

RPG Roller is a D10 Dice Roller aim to assist pen and paper RPG players who need multiple d10 dice along with a history page of the previous rolls.

Category: Role-Playing Games Gadget
Requirements: Android 3.0 and above
Size: 0.74MB
Content: Over 3 years-old
PolicyTerms and Conditions
Permitions: Read/Write in SD card. The application read and write a (cache) file with the history of the rolls only. It does not read or modify any other file and it is easy and safe to clear the cache either from in-app by the "Clear History" or from the settings.

The Story behind the App

Most pen and paper RPGs uses one or two dice of various dimensions while others use multiple dice of a specific dimension. The die helps making decision on the game settings, the players actions, the general theme and it's even crucial to the storyline. When we started playing RPGs we used to roll from a pack of ten D10 dice that we bought for that purpose. But with time and with the stats getting higher and higher we needed more dice and sometimes even simultaneously. That's how I decided to create a dice roller application, where it is very easy to roll as many dice as you need. Then I rose with the idea to keep a history of the previous rolls because some of the rolls I asked my players to roll are linked with effects that persist to the player and we need to keep track of the successes. I also made two themes, one for day-play and one for night, so you can choose whatever you like or change between. If you are an RPG player or storyteller and you need a D10 dice roller do not hesitate to download the application and of course I am open to any suggestions for improvement, after all it is made to be useful and supportive. Just remember that it is important to keep it simple and lite in order to be easy to use and keep in your device without worrying about storage space.

Thank you for your attention,
